Why early stimulation in babies/toddlers is so important…

Science said that early stimulation fill the babies brains, but with what? With new connections between neurons, that’s translated to capacities in the social, emotional and personal perception when they are teenagers or adults.

Babies and toddlers are like sponges they learn what they observe, they are developing their intelligence and personality at the same time. So kids that grow up in families where they are stimulated in all senses, tend to be more confident, they have options (games, food, sports and career when they grow up) to choose from and also they learn values. A healthy, loving and stimulating home in the majority of cases it produces a happy ,healthy and loving adult! And adult that adds to society (not perfect, nobody is perfect).

I will write the next part according to my experience, I living an beautiful process I’m the proudest cousin/auntie of a 7 months baby girl. She is growing up fast she learn how to wave hello and goodbye, she can sit and get up (the second with little help) and you talk to her, she answers you with baby noises.

Sometimes she study with me, I read her about classic philosophy, she laughed at me when I get frustrated with Drammar and hear with attention my stories. She gets upset when I stop talking and sometimes she has more emotional intelligence than most of growing ups(one time I got a crisis, she crawl , use my leg as help to stand up, she look at me and I grab her, she hug me with her little arms and stay still… like she knows how to help me!).

Babies and toddlers don’t communicate as us but they have they own language, Olivia learnt to communicate when she need sleep, a clean diaper or when she is bored. She is complex as growing ups in they own way, we need to give them the tools to be happy adults. I’m sure that Olivia will turn up better than me, she is loved, stimulated and cared.

We need to leave the adult-centrism behind and treat our babies/ toddlers with respect, love and the most important give them the tools to navigate the confusing and chaotic modern society!.