Digital learning reflections

When I started this workshop, I thought that I know a lot about e-learning. On the way, I noticed my mistake, I just have a piece of the big picture. My knowledge about tech was simple Canva, Kahoot, the Google family apps plus a few tricks on my Apple devices.

this workshop makes me capable of working efficiently in both tech ecosystems, I became more creative and versatile in terms of creating tasks, and today I’m capable of finding a new way to use the typical tools. Ex: Jamboard as presentation software.

I’m always open to new possibilities this course is a huge playground for me, I learn better by doing things so the principles of this class and how I work are a complete match. I was able to put names to concepts I use every day as a student and tutor.

SAMR and TPACK are very useful models. I use to enjoy SAMR for its simplicity, I was lazy and doesn’t want to walk outside my comfort zone. When we started to deal with TPACK I noticed that was more complete and challenging to use, I love a good cognitive and intellectual challenge.

I have had a lot of Eureka moments in this class, more than in any other class. Because I learn new ways to simplify my life through technology. Today I use more pages to make didactic resources, tasks, and assignments that before some of the resources I use are: hyperlinks, TEDed, Mentimeter, or Quizlet among so many other great educative technological resources.

I define this class as exciting, motivating, and surprising. I see my learning process as a big tree 🍃 like an oak that with every class grew inside my head. Today my forest of knowledge is more vast!

“My Language 4 Self-assessment”

This time of the year arrives again, the time to reflect on how your performance was during the academic year… Time passed flying fast between tests, workshops, projects and activities is incredible we are almost in the middle of our whole careers.

Personally, I reach so many milestones this year. Academically I maintain my good results over this period, I worked hard to make improvements and adjustments in how I study and perform in all my classes. Some strategies worked and some of them explode in my face but overall, I learnt a lot ( I try to focus on my process over the marks).

I have been having amazing progress as a tutor, my student Angie points me as one of the highlights of her semester. That gives me motivation and confidence that impacts my role as a student. In the foundation, we perform the purest form of teaching.

Everything intertwines, my tutor role gives me the chance to learn by doing all my pedagogical knowledge and gives me a boost of motivation every week. That motivation helps me continue fighting for my dream of becoming a teacher. My therapist gives me tools to maintain a study-life balance.

In terms of the English language as a whole, I feel like I improve a lot, I hear my last audio and I get surprised at how far I got this year. In the matter of phonetics, I understand better the undelaying meanings of intonation and pronunciation. I get surprised when I discover that we express emotions, showcase our personality and who we are when we talk but I still solve things by intuition ( I need to implement a more rational approach to phonetics).

I definitely improve a lot my written production (some of my marks don’t show what I learnt). I can organize my written task so much better. I’m able to express what’s inside my head, I had complex ideas sometimes but today I can express them with tidier and well elaborate texts.

Speaking and Listening, this semester was quite interesting for me, because we talk about subjects that have deep meaning to me. It helped with my self-discovery, I learnt a lot of terms to understand myself better. This chapter was difficult without a doubt personally and academically but overall I made great work, I host a Pimpalooza, I maintain my results, I’m an efficient tutor and on top of all of that, I have been responsible with my mental health process.

To sum up, this semester was a challenge in all senses but I have been fighting and working hard for all my dreams. I’m hopeful for the semester ahead and I will take one thing at a time (that’s my method).

Graphic description of my year.

PD: Crazy! (definitely!) but amazing!

Home workshop week 14: exploring digital Assessment tools

Assesment is a complex process where teachers measure, document and evaluate the different aspects of the learning process and the acquisition of skills. That allows us to make informed decisions on promotion (of level, unit or semester/year), activities/task design and evaluation/assesment tools.

Assessment methods are the different strategies you use based on which skills you need to measure. Ex: Analytical, Metacognitive or collaborative work among many others.

Assesment tools are the specific instruments you use to measure the skills each method has different tools to measure their unique abilities. Ex (Assessing creative skills); Portafolio, Interactive performance or design a learning experience.

The assessment tools are software or platforms that help you have a record of the progress of your class, grade it and work by their side in their learning process (Google Classroom).

Lowest order thinking skills (remember,define, list or duplicate); Naiku, Gimkit, Edulastic, Socrative, Quizizz, among others options.

In the middle you have the apply section; Animoto (demonstrate what you learnt), Flipgrid (use videos to show what they understand), Micropolls and Proprofs.

For the higher order thinking skills evaluate and create you have sites such as: Coggle, iBraistorm, Padlet, Miro, AnswerGarden, Genially, Canva, Mentimeter .

Home participation week 14: describing emotions in Big Bang Theory

In this scene, Leonard wants to keep something from the group (except Sheldon because he trusts him). Sheldon because of the way he is use a neutral tone to say Leonard is signalling him, Leonard uses a falling raising tone to describe the situation (He is hiding details even from Sheldon) Sheldon can’t lie about Leonard going to the office using some kind of plain intonation and falling rising intonation plus his weird body language gives the rest the impression his covering something up.

Are Bernadette and Howard adequate for the context of communication? (subjects and underlining meaning).

Why is Sheldon using a formal intonation? (almost at the end)

Why Bernadette is emphasising some words? (Ex: Tiny).

Home workshop week 13: Forum unit 2

During the second unit: I was able to understand concepts that I applied before without completely acknowledging them. In addition to the theoretical knowledge, I discovered new uses for my frequent tools (Jamboard, Genially, and Canva among a few others) an example of this is Jamboard (Online whiteboard) used as a presentation software that allows me to present and see my students doubts in real-time and having them in mind to answer at the end.

Another great thing I learnt is how to use different communication apps and links to work collaboratively. An example of this is that I finally learnt how to use google meet to collaborate in teamwork such as essays, presentations and recorded tasks.

Not all was good (I’m human!), I have a rough start with some of the tools that Mr Pizarro but I manage them more easily, I’m not an expert but I enjoy using them in my classes (Ex: Quizizz). Sometimes It was difficult to keep far away from Kajoot for gamification tasks because is an easy and effective tool but with some patience and some research, I find alternatives, for example, Cambridge Plus for vocabulary cards.

In summary, I really enjoy this unit, because I get some good tools for my role as a student and for improving my tutoring skills as well. My main conclusion is that I definitely want to learn more about e-learning resources.

Presentation software/platforms.

Jamboard (Google): it’s not originally made to act as presentation software, but by using more than one whiteboard you can present content or subject interactively. The main benefit is that your students can interact while you are presenting.

Google slides: is a popular, easy-to-use platform. That is made to collaborate with others using the different tools from google.

Canva: a relatively new platform that allows the creation of a wide range of educational materials. Being the most popular school or university protects.

Genially: It’s online creation software (it’s competing with Canva). It has many tools, it’s interactive and the main use is educational.